ISR Technology
About ISR method
In Situ Recovery (ISR) Mining, also referred to as In Situ Leaching (ISL), is a highly developed mining technique in which uranium is mobilized from the permeable sandstone formations using either industrial oxygen or a very low concentration of acid or alkaline solution. Uranium bearing solution is pumped out to the surface for further processing to recover uranium.
Once the uranium is fully recovered, wells are sealed and capped, the ground water is restored back to its initial characteristics and the land can then revert to its previous uses.
Progressive uranium mining technology
with a closed cycle
ISR is the main uranium mining method since 2009
Its share in the global production has increased from 20% in 2005 to 60% in 2022
In 2022 Kazakhstan ISR mining contributed 43%, while five other ISR producing counties 17% of world total
ISR mines are located in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Australia, China and USA
A leaching solution is injected through the well into sandstone formation to dissolve uranium.
The uranium-bearing solution is transported to the surface for processing. Monitor wells around each zone detect any solution escaping outside the mining area.
The uranium-bearing solution is concentrated and the final product (yellowcake) is extracted.
According to IAEA
In-Situ Recovery – is the most environmentally friendly method of mining
The ISR wellfield area is surrounded by many strategically placed observation wells through which potential leakage is monitored not only in the aquifer where mining is taking place, but also in upper aquifer and lower aquifer.
Very weak acid solutions are used in ISR mining (about 5g/liter or 0.5%). The acidity index pH is maintained between level of 2-4, which corresponds to red wine, lemon and bananas acidity.
ISR is more environmentally friendly in comparison to conventional open-pit and underground mining due to:
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