Uranium One is committed to ensuring a healthy and safe environment for all who work at, visit or live near its facilities. This is a core value for the company and we take pride in our strong record on employee and contractor health and safety. af
All of Uranium One’s operations meet or exceed federal, state and local health and safety requirements. Company-wide performance on health and safety is carefully tracked and monitored at the senior leadership level and regularly reported to the Board of Directors.
The commitment to health and safety extends beyond our employees to the communities that neighbor our sites around the world. Environmental and social impact issues, which may affect indigenous peoples, local landholders and other stakeholders in the communities in which we operate, are always among our most important priorities.
Uranium One works hard to ensure that it has the trust and support of the communities in which it operates. Strong and enduring stakeholder and community relationships are secured through a wide variety of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives and programs developed in consultation with local communities, non-governmental organizations, government authorities and other stakeholders. af
Social projects af
While our Project is in the preparatory stage, Uranium One and Headspring investments have focused on CSR activities from the earliest stages of the Project.
This includes: recruitment and training programs to maximize the employment and skills development of local residents; business development initiatives to promote the availability and quality of local service and material providers; infrastructure projects; equipping and improving schools and health care clinics and environmental initiatives to protect, enhance and conserve local ecosystems, environments and wildlife resources. af
Volledig gefinansierde beurskeema toets
Vanaf 2023 het die Uranium One-groep ten volle betaalde beurse vir 8 studente beskikbaar gestel om in die veld van mynbou te studeer. Die studente sal aan die Russiese Vriendskapsuniversiteit studeer. Grade kan in Geologie, Geofisika, Hidrologie en Mynbou-ingenieurswese, ens., verkry word. Hierdie studente sal, na voltooiing van hul studies, by die voorgestelde myne werk. Studente uit die Omaheke-streek sal voorkeur geniet wanneer aansoekvorms vir die beurse gekies word.
Volledig gefinansierde beurskeema toets 2
Vanaf 2023 het die Uranium One-groep ten volle betaalde beurse vir 8 studente beskikbaar gestel om in die veld van mynbou te studeer. Die studente sal aan die Russiese Vriendskapsuniversiteit studeer. Grade kan in Geologie, Geofisika, Hidrologie en Mynbou-ingenieurswese, ens., verkry word. Hierdie studente sal, na voltooiing van hul studies, by die voorgestelde myne werk. Studente uit die Omaheke-streek sal voorkeur geniet wanneer aansoekvorms vir die beurse gekies word.
Volledig gefinansierde beurskeema toets 3
Vanaf 2023 het die Uranium One-groep ten volle betaalde beurse vir 8 studente beskikbaar gestel om in die veld van mynbou te studeer. Die studente sal aan die Russiese Vriendskapsuniversiteit studeer. Grade kan in Geologie, Geofisika, Hidrologie en Mynbou-ingenieurswese, ens., verkry word. Hierdie studente sal, na voltooiing van hul studies, by die voorgestelde myne werk. Studente uit die Omaheke-streek sal voorkeur geniet wanneer aansoekvorms vir die beurse gekies word.